To be the Bellē of the ball, wedding, or party, your skin preparation matters. Put your best look forward for your big event with Qt’s revolutionary ingestible beauty product, ‘Bellē’.
Utilising the finest-quality, professional-grade, bio-available hydrolysed marine Collagen peptides, synergised with a raft of other exceptional ingredients, Qt Internal Cosmetics is revolutionising beauty from within and creating a new era of what’s possible for the advancement of your best skin, hair and nails. What’s more, Qt are transforming skin from the inside out, with ethical, sustainable, cruelty- free, potent natural ingredients.
To prepare your skin, hair and nails for your special day, you need look no further than Qt’s professional-grade formulation ‘Bellē’. Combined with the boosting effects of Qt’s ‘Encorē for Her’, you can experience stand-out results and appearance within weeks.
Discerning collagen consumers understand that many supplements on the market contain just collagen and vitamin C and are often made from cheaper sourced bovine (from cow) and porcine (from pig). They also know that some collagen supplements have bigger molecules (3000-5000 Daltons) which make it much harder to absorb the collagen. In contrast, Qt’s collagen is professional-grade, finest quality (2000 Daltons), meaning the collagen is bio-available and can be readily absorbed in the body, stimulating new collagen.
Qt have also added an array of unique beauty ingredients to work in synergy with premium collagen for optimum anti-ageing results. For example, Qt’s beauty formula ‘Bellē’ comes in an easy-to-use powder form and includes the wonders of Tremella, a mushroom which can hold up to 400 times its weight in moisture, drawing moisture to the skin and adding volume, softness and elasticity. This humble mushroom is even said to be more effective than Hyaluronic Acid!
For good measure, Bellē also contains: the antioxidant stand-out ingredient, Lotus, which eliminates harmful free radicals to help the skin appear brighter and keep proteins strongly bonded; natural Silica for the synthesis of new collagen formation, structure and repair; and Vitamin C which optimises absorption of the collagen and its beautifying effects.
For men, Bellē’s counterpart product is ‘Beaū’, a rejuvenating, detoxifying and energising formula. In combination with ‘Encorē for Him’, with Beaū you can be sure your man will be feeling in tiptop condition, not just for the Wedding...but also for the honeymoon!
Manufactured in New Zealand, Qt is the world’s first Internal Cosmetic, and we love it.

Taking Qt’s Encorē might make you feel a little like you’ve just attended a superb performance and want to shout “Bravo...again, again!”
This is especially the case if you’re looking for a unique combination of an all-natural product that is specifically designed to create a range of benefits, particularly with regard to your skin, hair and nails.
Originally designed to pair well with Qt’s premium collagen powder range as a ‘skin, hair, nails’ booster, testimonials abound about the wonders of Encorē as a stand-alone capsule product. Some of these indicate accelerated growth of baby hair, shinier hair, enhanced hydration and skin glow, increased skin plumpness and firmness, improved acne and skin conditions, reduction in hormonal mood swings, and growth of nails.
Phew, that sounds like a symphony of results, doesn’t it? We’re loving it.
What is particularly intriguing and inspiring are the number of testimonials on qtforyou.com that indicate increased confidence in baring naked skin, without lashings of (or any) make-up!
In Qt’s premium range of professional-grade products, the skin-hair-nails combination product, ‘Encorē’, can officially take a bow centre-stage knowing ‘we salute you’.

…boosting immunity, cognitive ability, AND your skin…all in one!
Have you ever considered sipping on a tasty hot blackcurrant beverage, whilst enhancing your facial skin hydration and glow, reducing fine lines, boosting your immunity, and elevating your cognitive ability…all at the same time?
Well, now you can.
With AletheĪa’s high concentration of vitamin C, premium New Zealand blackcurrant (Ben Ard) and New Zealand blueberry (Mamaku), it has great antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Along with a raft of cognitive enhancing amino acids and nucleotides (including L-Theanine and NMN), and premium collagen (finest hydrolysed collagen peptides) which retain their anti-aging benefits in hot water, this may be the most ideal drink to zip off to work with in the morning in your thermos…or enjoy in the evening like a mulled wine nightcap.
AND, it’s simple. One scoop, and just add hot water.
Aside from being more cost-beneficial than a coffee, it’s likely to be way more cost-beneficial for your body. In this easy-to-make drink, you may be aiding a multitude of biological processes that can assist your skin resilience and hydration, energy metabolism, mitochondrial and neurocognitive function, DNA repair…and that all important ‘Immunity’.
So whilst you can have both, why not choose the potential of a much healthier winter body, than the wear and tear of a short-term coffee rush? Sure, it’s your temple, and your choice, but frankly, what’s not to love about the power, empowerment and winter-boosting benefits of Qt’s AletheĪa?
For us, not only does this multi-beneficial beverage make all the sense in the world, but it’s also an easy choice: we’re choosing the hottest drink in town.
GEMINI (22nd May-21st June)
The sun moves into the sign of Gemini on 22nd May and stays there until 21st June. Gemini is the first Air sign in the zodiac (Libra the second, Aquarius the third), and ruled by Mercury. As such, Gemini is a playful, intellectual and skilled communication sign that is forever curious…and forever young at heart. This helps keep the Gemini looking youthful and beautiful. An agile sign that physically aligns with the arms and lungs, Gemini’s are capable of keeping in great shape and love to do so through fun or interactive sports and activities.
Mercury retrograde in Gemini, throughout much of June, will certainly create a few spanners in the works…but it’s also a time to see more acutely how we interpret information, and the stories we choose to bring to life. What stories are you choosing? Being the hero or victim, sinner or saint? Choose wisely. Mercury retrogrades are also a great time to correct mistakes or confusion from the past. Remember, forgiveness is a beautiful thing.
And speaking of beauty, Venus (the planet ruling love and beauty) is influential for Geminis in 2021, so with the sun moving through forever curious and playful Gemini, now is a great time for all to research and explore all things beauty related. Grab those department store samples and trial what you can. Fit in those quick trips to the salon for hair and nails beautifying. And above all, during the month of June, have fun!
CANCER (22nd June-22nd July)
The second water sign in the zodiac is Cancer, perhaps one of the most maternal and feminine astrology signs. However, Cancer is also a ‘cardinal’ sign, which means Cancerians have a natural leadership streak, and are certainly no pushover. As a water sign, feelings run deep within the Cancerian’s protective crab-like external shell.
For your beauty regime in the month of Cancer, being around, or IN water may help boost your inner and outer beauty. Spend time luxuriating in a bath with salts, candles and soft music. As Cancer tends to be prone to water-retentiveness, pay attention to your fluid intake – try replacing your daily coffee with a collagen-infused, skin-enhancing smoothie, or add a scoop in a hot drink. Qt’s Aletheia which contains premium collagen could be just the hot-drink tonic, helping support the boosting of skin, hair and cognitive ability with a delicious blackcurrant and blueberry flavour. Flush surplus fluid from your body with Juniper tea.
Sentiment aside, this may be a great time to let go of any people, places or things that don’t serve your highest interests, beliefs or values.
As few things are more important to the sign of Cancer than family, importantly, spend more time during this period with your loved ones and close friends.
LEO (22nd July-22nd Aug)
Between late July and until 22nd August, the sun transits through its own domicile, the fire sign of Leo. There is likely to be a noticeable lift in energy from the more introverted energies of the homey and watery Cancer month. As Leo is ruled by the sun, for many, this is a time to get your glad-rags and party gear on and get socialising. As such, you’ll want to be looking your radiant best.
With flamboyance, increased optimism and confidence with you as the sun moves through bold Leo, you could be spending your spare time doing your nails, slathering a face mask on at night, getting your hair done (especially if it’s a Leonine mane!), or shopping for that glitzy stand-out dress, preparing for the inevitable event. Anyway, who needs a specific occasion…if you buy it, it will come!
Let’s face it - our faces…it’s possible they might fall down a touch with all that socialising, so remember to offset that with your daily dose of collagen. You might want to try pairing Qt’s Belle with Qt’s Encore capsules…a dynamic duo that helps support your skin’s deep hydration, volume and resilience from the inside out, allowing the possibility for your face to stand up, and stand out.
Leo’s generous nature means you might also be considering a loved one for some luxury pampering. And why not! Enjoy this stimulating time.