Top Ten Tips For Enhancing Your Self-Empowerment

Any and all of these tips represent acts of self-love. And every act of
self-love is like a building block in the long arc of your life. We hope these tips will help inform, inspire, and align you with your very best self and life. You can be sure we will be cheering you on.
Practicing Gratitude has nearly endless benefits, including more positive emotions, better sleep, ability to express more compassion, empathy and kindness, and even develop a stronger immune system. Let’s face it, negative can attract more negative! So notice what you’re grateful for every day; even start making a list. Your glass can begin to feel half full and your positivity can radiate. Not only that, we think you’ll become magnetic to even more things to feel grateful for. It is for this reason the Qt team consider Gratitude our number one top tip for your self-empowerment!
Whilst breathing may seem a relatively simple suggestion at first glance, how we inhale and exhale has profound effects on our health. The benefits of proper and deep breathing are marked. A growing number of studies show that breathing techniques are effective against insomnia and anxiety, along with assisting with stress reduction, emotional and mental control and improved attention. In short, breathing techniques can help make your mind and body feel better, and allow your spirit to shine. The more you shine, the more empowered you will be and feel!
When we power ourselves down at night for sleep, we surrender our mind for a period of time and remove ourselves from things like noise, smell, and unnatural light. We also allow neurons to spring into action and the brain to check our needed balance of hormones, enzymes and proteins. Sleep is more powerful than any drug in its ability to restore and rejuvenate the human brain and body, including the improvement of concentration, memory skills, and even helping maintain the fat burning regulation of our weight and the reduction of toxin damage. Improving your sleep may just give you the chance to improve everything, and certainly leaves you looking better! If you’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, we know you will be on your best game!
Water is one of the most important substances on the planet, and we need it to survive. Drinking more water is one of the easiest things we can do to encourage health and vitality. Proper hydration helps regulate our temperature, keeps our digestive system running well, and helps eliminate toxins…to name just a few benefits. Our skin is the body’s largest organ. Without water, the lack of hydration can make our skin dry, tight and flaky. Dry skin has less reliance and is more prone to ageing and wrinkling, and that’s not going to help you feel at your optimum. So drink up, because staying hydrated is a great foundational step for self-empowerment!
Meditation is the discipline of remaining still in the body and mind. This ancient practice has a myriad of benefits. Number one, it reduces stress! It also helps promote emotional health and wellbeing, along with self-awareness. And stilling your inner ‘bronco-bull’ rushing mind will help guide you to deeper understandings about your self-beliefs, and any subsequent or resulting transformation that may need to occur within you. Whilst you may not end up levitating, with regular practice you will feel sky-high and more in tune with every moment, ensuring you maximum self-empowerment!
Try not to skip past this one, because there’s something enormously empowering about getting all your thoughts and feelings down on paper. According to mental health professionals, journaling is one of the most recommended tools to have a clearer mind and a happier life. It can help you understand your desires, priorities and, well, your life! Journaling helps to release mental blockages…and who needs those?! We know those pesky things stand like a barricade to resolving any deeper beliefs within you that may not be serving your best interests. So we’re all for journaling and consider it an exceptional self-empowerment tool!
Spending time in nature rocks for multiple reasons. Scientific studies show that natural environments can have remarkable benefits for human health. Did you know spending time near natural vegetation improves creativity and vitality? You’re less likely to be depressed or suffer from anxiety, and you’ll experience the immune boosting impacts of being near parks and plants. What’s more, sunlight is beneficial as it helps create and activate valuable Vitamin D. Your enhanced vitality from being outdoors can help you create a life of resilience and enthusiasm, drawing all good things toward you. So, don’t be a dreary cave dweller, claim greater self-empowerment by connecting with nature.
(You knew this one was coming!) It goes without saying, but you are what you eat. So if you eat poorly, chances are high you will start to feel poorly, and you will most assuredly whittle down your wellbeing. The good news is that we live in an age where we’re much smarter, and superfoods abound! At Qt, we’ve given you the best collagen for your skin, hair and nails, and our products even contain some of New Zealand’s finest superfoods such as blueberries, blackcurrant, pine bark, tremella and grape seed. We’ve also utilised superfoods such as Maca and Blackseed in Qt’s ‘Beaū’. Research abounds into the powers of multiple superfoods such as broccoli, omega 3 oils from seafood, garlic, mushrooms, nuts, seeds and dark leafy greens. So no more excuses…superpower your body. You got this!
Get off the sofa girlfriend! (or guy-friend!) Exercise equals endorphins. Endorphins equals a positive feel in the body. This is why you can come off a run or walk out of a gym, dance, yoga, or any kind of movement or exercise class feeling EUPHORIC! Not only that, you can tone your body and regulate your weight, leaving you feeling trim and mightily empowered (possibly even sexy!). You want that feeling, we know it! And FYI, in case you didn’t know, the amino acid complex in Qt’s collagen can help stimulate muscle growth and help lubricate joints, preventing damage. So, what are you waiting for? Get those trainers on and get going.
Life would not be complete without love in the world, and neither would we be without that feeling inside of us. One of our greatest journey’s, therefore, may be about finding, discovering, and developing greater true love for ourselves, and learning to live with the empowerment, magnetism, creativity, and connectedness that self-love blesses us with. Our self-belief is central to our self-love. But we know that in this fast-paced and unpredictable world, it may be challenging to discover and transform the shaky scaffolding of self-belief that can lurk deep inside of us. We know that sometimes you will need the discipline, support, grit and determination to come home to yourself. But your love for yourself is worth it.