Slow down ageing with meditation

The mind/body connection is key to good health. So it’s no wonder that research has shown that meditating regularly has a positive impact on the body as well as the mind. Here’s a look at 3 ways that meditation can give you a fresh, youthful appearance.
Boosts growth and DHEA hormones
Growth hormone activates growth during childhood and repairs and regenerates cells during adulthood. In our 40s however, the pituitary gland starts to gradually decrease the amount of growth hormone that it produces. This is partially responsible for the changes that come with ageing, such as weaker bones and muscles, increased body fat, and fatigue.
During both meditation and deep sleep the brain goes into the Delta state, which stimulates the release of growth hormones. The extra release of growth hormones during meditation helps with younger looking skin, more energy, stronger bones & muscles and much more.
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is another hormone that decreases production as we age. Meditation has also been shown to increase DHEA hormone levels; in fact, prominent longevity researcher Dr. Vincent Giampapa, M.D., discovered that meditation practitioners have, on average, 44% more DHEA than those that don’t meditate.
A study done in France gave 280 women and men 50mg of DHEA to take every day for a year. The researchers found improvements in sebum production, skin hydration and pigmentation, and epidermal thickness.
Reduces cortisol
Cortisol, a stress-induced hormone produced by the adrenal glands, is one of the main causes of premature ageing. Excessive cortisol breaks down elastin and collagen—as these components disintegrate, the results are wrinkled, sagging skin.
Both mindfulness meditation and Bhuddist meditation have been shown to lower stress and cortisol levels.
Can deactivate NF-κB
NF-kB is a protein that can accelerate the activity of age-related genes. This study done by researchers at UCLA found that meditation has the ability to inhibit the activity of NF-kB.
This is significant because when dermatologist Howard Chang and his colleagues at Stanford University applied a solution that blocks NF-kB to a patch of skin in mice, they found it reversed skin ageing: the skin became measurably thicker, plus several genetic changes showed a decrease in cell ageing.
Dr. Chang told Wired magazine, "When you block NF-κB when the organism is quite old," Chang said, "you can basically block the genetic program, 'aging'."
The upshot
Recharging your mind & body with regular meditation is an easy, safe and low-cost way to defy the ageing process. It can be done anywhere and only requires a small amount of time each day. Why not give it a go?
Find out more: 5 anti-ageing tips
Andrea — September 8 2020
I’ve been meditating 20 minutes every day to help with anxiety, it works really well! I sleep better too.